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The Alzheimer’s Alliance of Perry County was formed out of our desire to help the residents of Perry County deal with the hardships brought on by Alzheimer’s and dementia. Everyone on the board has a personal connection to the disease and a passion to provide assistance and support to our community.


We will provide monetary, educational, and informational services to any resident of Perry County that has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s or dementia or has a doctor’s note stating they have the disease.

Requests can be made by contacting a board member directly or sending an email or letter to the organization. No requests will be denied as long as you are a resident with a diagnosis.

100% of our proceeds stay in Perry County

Our Mission

The mission of the Alzheimer’s Alliance of Perry County is to support and improve the mental health and well-being of the local community through education, support and advocacy.

Our Mission

Our Vision

The Alzheimer’s Alliance of Perry County is a charitable organization whose purpose is to provide assistance and/or services to any Perry County resident who has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s/dementia or has a doctor’s note stating this.

We Need Your Support Today!

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